Friday, April 9, 2010

Posted by Erin Posted on 2:35 PM | No comments

Five Things Friday: Pretty Want'ums

These are five thigs I desperately wish were mine.

5. This necklace made by a sweet woman I met in college. Visit her blog.

4. This floor. It's a before and after project I saw here and I am so incredibly covetous.

3. This piano (becuase it's pretty and I want to re-learn how to play...don't tell my mom or she will say "I told you so"). Just picture it on my yellow floor!!!!

2. This super cute umbrella from pare*umbrella.

1.This cute little house.

Aren't all these things beautiful?! I've pretty much made up in my head, a sweet, smalltown woman that I hope to be someday. I need to get out of the city.